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Handheld XRF Environmental Soil Heavy metal Analyzer DW-EX9000

Based on ten-year research and development experiences of portable instruments, DW-EX-9000 handheld XRF adopt photoelectron, microelectronics, semiconductor, computer and many other technologies and develop a new generation of handheld XRF of our own.

DW-EX-9000 handheld soil heavy metal analyzer is the first to use large-screen,high
resolution LCD and the new digital signal processor. It’s able to carry out in— situ test and repairing analysis for the soil pollutants, effective testing about heavy metals including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, chromium, manganese in polluted soil, and also add testing elements according to clients’ requirements. With small size and light weight, DW-EX-9000 is portable for testing heavy metal in soil, even for low content and its performance is as great as desktop.